Case Studies

Send a high volume of trades to Bloomberg TOMS


Our fixed income group trades government securities and corporates on various exchanges. We need to get those trades into Bloomberg TOMS as quickly as possible to manage the firm's risk. There's a potential for a monetary loss if we miss a trade or input a trade into TOMS incorrectly.

We trade on eSpeed, Brokertech, Dealerweb, MarketAxess and Liquidity Edge.

As the desk grows and volume increases we need automation to help us manage our business.

Consolidate data from trading and clearing vendors


We use Fidessa and Bloomberg TOMS order management systems and Pershing for clearance & settlements. Our vendors Do Not give us everything that we need do our job. We spend the entire day just to complete our ops, accounting and compliance work for the day leaving no time left for analysis.

We try to do everything in Excel but our spreadsheets keep getting bigger and harder to manage. At this point there's only one staff member that knows how to use it. Completing the days work is impossible when he's not in the office.

Publish Government Securities prices on Bloomberg


We use Excel to calculuate our own prices for the on the run government securities. There has to be a way to show these prices to our customers and all the traders on the desk.

All of our customers want to see our prices on Bloomberg. Our challenge is to take the prices on our Excel spreadsheet and show them on a Bloomberg single dealer page. This is the best way for us to reach all of our customers.

Because these prices are time sensitive the connection between our spreadsheet and Bloomberg must be as fast as possible.

Equity Stock Loan automation and integration


We use Sunguard Loanet for our equities stock loan business but Loanet doesn't do everything that we need. We are constantly uploading and downloading data, we spend time creating and distributing Availability and Easy to Borrow lists. Email notifications for each locate and then prepare a consolidated end of day report for ecah customer.

We will never be able to grow our business if we don't use computers to automate all of these manual tasks.

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